Gender of Nouns: El aeropuerto, la playa (00)Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns usually end in -o.
el aeropuerto
See how the definite article el is used with the noun aeropuerto. We can use the indefinite article un as well.
el chico
el mesero
el banco
el amigo
el teléfono
el dinero
el vino
el dormitorio
el supermercado
el carro
Many masculine nouns don´t end in -o. We have to memorise them with their article. Here we have a table with five examples.
Some masculine nouns also can end in -a or -ma .
Feminine nouns usually end in -a
la playa
Notice the use of the definite article la with the noun playa. We could use also the indefinite article una as well.
la casa
la comida
la tienda
la mesa
la cama
la maleta
la puerta
la manzana
la cerveza
la lámpara
Many feminine nouns don not end also in -a. We have to learn them with their article. You can see some examples in the following table.
Nouns ending in -ión, - sión, -dad, -tad, -tud are feminine. See the table below.