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Preterite: Irregular Verbs: El verano pasado estuvimos en Cuba ... (00)

El verano pasado estuvimos en Cuba. means We were in Cuba last summer.

Estuvimos is preterite (past tense) of the irregular verb ESTAR.

El verano pasado estuvimos en Cuba.

Preterite is one of Spanish past tenses. It describes actions completed in the past, actions that were part of a sequence, repeated several times and are no longer valid. Preterite also has to be used when we specify when the event happened by using certain time expressions like "ayer" (yesterday), "la semana pasada" (last week), "en 1999" (in 1999), etc.

IRREGULAR VERBS - Many verbs form preterite irregularly and their conjugations have to be memorized.

Regular verbs preterite formation and use of preterite can be found in the lesson on Preterite: Regular Verbs here.

Preterite of SER (to be)

yo fuiI was
fuisteyou were
él, ella fue
usted fue
he, she was
you (formal) were
nosotros fuimoswe were
vosotros fuisteis
ustedes fueron
you (all - informal) were
you (all - formal) were
ellos, ellas fueron
ustedes fueron
they were
you (all - formal) were

Mi abuela fue buena cocinera. = My granny was a very good cook.

Mi abuela fue buena cocinera.

Marineros fueron personas valientes. = Sailors were brave people.

Marineros fueron personas valientes.

Preterite of ESTAR (to be)

yo estuveI was
estuvisteyou were
él, ella estuvo
usted estuvo
he, she was
you (formal) were
nosotros estuvimoswe were
vosotros estuvisteis
ustedes estuvieron
you (all - informal) were
you (all - formal) were
ellos, ellas estuvieron
ustedes estuvieron
they were
you (all - formal) were

¿Por qué estuviste en las montañas todo el julio? = Why were you in the mountains all July?

¿Por qué estuviste en las montañas todo el julio?

Estuve muy nerviosa durante la entrevista. = I was very nervous during the interview.

Estuve muy nerviosa durante la entrevista.

Preterite of TENER (to have)

yo tuveI had
tuvisteyou had
él, ella tuvo
usted tuvo
he, she had
you (formal) had
nosotros tuvimoswe had
vosotros tuvisteis
ustedes tuvieron
you (all - informal) had
you (all - formal) had
ellos, ellas tuvieron
ustedes tuvieron
they had
you (all - formal) had

Sr.Mendez tuvo un accidente el viernes pasado. = Mr.Mendez had an accident last Friday .

Sr.Mendez tuvo un accidente el viernes pasado.

El fin de semana tuvimos huevos fritos para el desayuno. = We had fried eggs for breakfast on the weekend.

El fin de semana tuvimos huevos fritos para el desayuno.

Preterite of HACER (to do, to make)

yo hiceI did
hicisteyou did
él, ella hizo
usted hizo
he, she did
you (formal) did
nosotros hicimoswe did
vosotros hicisteis
ustedes hicieron
you (all - informal) did
you (all - formal) did
ellos, ellas hicieron
ustedes hicieron
they did
you (all - formal) did

Hice sopa de verduras.= I made vegetable soup.

Hice sopa de verduras.

Nos hicieron limonada fría. = They made cold lemonade for us.

Nos hicieron limonada fría.

Preterite of IR (to go): Preterite of IR is exactly the same as of SER. Whether speakers talk about SER or IR, is always apparent from the context.

yo fuiI went
fuisteyou went
él, ella fue
usted fue
he, she went
you (formal) went
nosotros fuimoswe went
vosotros fuisteis
ustedes fueron
you (all - informal) went
you (all - formal) went
ellos, ellas fueron
ustedes fueron
they went
you (all - formal) went

Fui a pescar al río con mi abuelo. = I went fishing to the river with my grandfather.

Fui a pescar al río con mi abuelo.

Julio fue de vacaciones a India. = Julio went for vacations to India.

Julio fue de vacaciones a India.

Preterite of PODER (can, to be able to)

yo pudeI was able to / I could
pudisteyou were able to / you could
él, ella pudo
usted pudo
he, she was able to / he, she could
you (formal) were able to /you could
nosotros pudimoswe were able to / we could
vosotros pudisteis
ustedes pudieron
you (all - informal) were able to / you could
you (all - formal) were able to / you could
ellos, ellas pudieron
ustedes pudieron
they were able to / they could
you (all - formal) were able to / you could

Los pintores no pudieron terminar el trabajo. = The painters couldn´t finish the work.

Los pintores no pudieron terminar el trabajo.

María no pudo comprender la tarea.= María couldn´t understand the assignment.

María no pudo comprender la tarea.

Preterite of QUERER (to want)

yo quiseI wanted
quisisteyou wanted
él, ella quiso
usted quiso
he, she wanted
you (formal) wanted
nosotros quisimoswe wanted
vosotros quisisteis
ustedes quisieron
you (all - informal) wanted
you (all - formal) wanted
ellos, ellas quisieron
ustedes quisieron
they wanted
you (all - formal) wanted

Quisimos ir al concierto, pero no pudimos. = We wanted to go to the concert, but we couldn´t.

Quisimos ir al concierto pero no pudimos.

Jessica quiso comprar una crema de manos. = Jessica wanted to buy a hand cream.

Jessica quiso comprar crema de manos.

Preterite of DECIR (to say, to tell)

yo dijeI said
dijisteyou said
él, ella dijo
usted dijo
he, she said
you (formal) said
nosotros dijimoswe said
vosotros dijisteis
ustedes dijeron
you (all - informal) said
you (all - formal) said
ellos, ellas dijeron
ustedes dijeron
they said
you (all - formal) said

Felipe dijo, "¡Adios!" y se fue. = Felipe said "Goodbye" and left.

Felipe dijo "¡Adios!" y se fue.

Estudiaron toda la tarde y no dijeron nada. = They studied the whole afternoon and didn´t say anything.

Estudiaron toda la tarde y no dijeron nada.

Preterite of PONER (to put)

yo puseI put
pusisteyou put
él, ella puso
usted puso
he, she put
you (formal) put
nosotros pusimoswe put
vosotros pusisteis
ustedes pusieron
you (all - informal) put
you (all - formal) put
ellos, ellas pusieron
ustedes pusieron
they put
you (all - formal) put

¿Por qué pusiste las llaves en la mesa? = Why did you put the keys on the table?

¿Por qué pusiste las llaves en la mesa?

Anoche no puse la leche en la nevera. = I didn´t put the milk in the fridge last night.

Anoche no puse la leche en la nevera.

Preterite of SABER (to know, to taste)

yo supeI knew
supisteyou knew
él, ella supo
usted supo
he, she knew
you (formal) knew
nosotros supimoswe knew
vosotros supisteis
ustedes supieron
you (all - informal) knew
you (all - formal) knew
ellos, ellas supieron
ustedes supieron
they knew
you (all - formal) knew

Los estudiantes supieron la respuesta a la pregunta. = The students knew the answer to the question.

Los estudiantes supieron la respuesta a la pregunta.

Tania supo de mi viaje a Inglaterra. = Tania knew about my trip to England.

Tania supo de mi viaje a Inglaterra.

Preterite of VENIR (to come)

yo vineI came
vinisteyou came
él, ella vino
usted vino
he, she came
you (formal) came
nosotros vinimoswe came
vosotros vinisteis
ustedes vinieron
you (all - informal) came
you (all - formal) came
ellos, ellas vinieron
ustedes vinieron
they came
you (all - formal) came

Todos mis amigos vinieron a la fiesta. = All my friends came to the party.

Todos mis amigos vinieron a la fiesta.

Ayer vinieron muchos clientes a la tienda. = Many customers came to the shop yesterday.

Ayer vinieron muchos clientes a la tienda.

Preterite of DAR (to give)

yo diI gave
disteyou gave
él, ella dio
usted dio
he, she gave
you (formal) gave
nosotros dimoswe gave
vosotros disteis
ustedes dieron
you (all - informal) gave
you (all - formal) gave
ellos, ellas dieron
ustedes dieron
they gave
you (all - formal) gave

Su esposo le dio rosas a Mercedes. = Mercedes´ husband gave her roses.

Su esposo le dio rosas a Mercedes.

Le di un consejo a mi amiga. = I gave my friend a piece of advice.

Le di un consejo a mi amiga.

Preterite of VER (to see)

yo viI saw
visteyou saw
él, ella vio
usted vio
he, she saw
you (formal) saw
nosotros vimoswe saw
vosotros visteis
ustedes vieron
you (all - informal) saw
you (all - formal) saw
ellos, ellas vieron
ustedes vieron
they saw
you (all - formal) saw

Anoche vimos la luna llena. = We saw full moon last night.

Anoche vimos la luna llena.

Vimos rayos, pero no escuchamos truenos. = We saw lightning, but didn´t hear the thunder.

Vimos rayos, pero no escuchamos truenos.

Preterite of ANDAR (to walk)

yo anduveI walked
anduvisteyou walked
él, ella anduvo
usted anduvo
he, she walked
you (formal) walked
nosotros anduvimoswe walked
vosotros anduvisteis
ustedes anduvieron
you (all - informal) walked
you (all - formal) walked
ellos, ellas anduvieron
ustedes anduvieron
they walked
you (all - formal) walked

Anduve toda la tarde con zapatos de tacón alto. = I walked all aftenoon with high heel shoes.

Anduve toda la tarde con zapatos de tacón alto.

Anduvieron con sus hijos por el parque. = They walked with their children around the park.

Anduvieron con sus hijos por el parque.

Preterite of CABER (to fit)

yo cupeI fitted
cupisteyou fitted
él, ella cupo
usted cupo
he, she fitted
you (formal) fitted
nosotros cupimoswe fitted
vosotros cupisteis
ustedes cupieron
you (all - informal) fitted
you (all - formal) fitted
ellos, ellas cupieron
ustedes cupieron
they fitted
you (all - formal) fitted

La llave no cupo en la cerradura. = The key didn´t fit in the lock.

La llave no cupo en la cerradura.

Las maletas no cupieron en el carro. = The suitcases didn´t fit in the car.

Las maletas no cupieron en el carro.

Preterite of TRAER (to bring)

yo trajeI brought
trajisteyou brought
él, ella trajo
usted trajo
he, she brought
you (formal) brought
nosotros trajimoswe brought
vosotros trajisteis
ustedes trajeron
you (all - informal) brought
you (all - formal) brought
ellos, ellas trajeron
ustedes trajeron
they brought
you (all - formal) brought

Eduardo me trajo un helado . = Eduardo brought me ice cream.

Eduardo me trajo un helado.

Mis tíos trajeron la comida para el picnic. = My aunt and uncle brought the food for the picnic.

Mis tíos trajeron la comida para el picnic.

Preterite of HABER (to be, to exist, to have). The verb HABER is mostly used to express impersonal expressions - there is, there are ("hay" in the present tense) or it can be used in compound tenses as an auxiliary verb. To express "there is", "there are", we use only "hubo" form.

yo hubeI had
hubisteyou had
él, ella hubo
usted hubo
he, she had
you (formal) had
nosotros hubimoswe had
vosotros hubisteis
ustedes hubieron
you (all - informal) had
you (all - formal) had
ellos, ellas hubieron
ustedes hubieron
they had
you (all - formal) had

Hubo mucha nieve el invierno pasado. = There was a lot of snow last winter.

Hubo mucha nieve el invierno pasado.

En el suelo hubo helado. = There was ice cream on the floor.

En el suelo hubo helado.

Verbs with a change of the stem vowel.

AR verbs and ER verbs keep their original stem vowel in preterite, they don´t change it as in the present tense.

Conjugation of PENSAR (to think) with stem change in the present tense (E > IE)

yo penséI thought
tú pensasteyou thought
él, ella pensó
usted pensó
he, she thought
you all (formal) thought
nosotros pensamoswe thought
vosotros pensasteis
ustedes pensaron
you (informal - in Spain only) thought
you (formal) thought
ellos, ellas pensaron
ustedes pensaron
they thought
you all (formal) thought

Las entradas al cine no costaron mucho. = The cinema tickets didn´t cost much.

Las entradas al cine no costaron mucho.

Cerré la puerta lentamente. = I closed the door slowly.

Cerré la puerta lentamente.

Conjugation of MOVER (to move) with stem change in the present tense (O > UE)

yo moI moved
tú movisteyou moved
él, ella movió
usted movió
he, she moved
you all (formal) moved
nosotros movimoswe moved
vosotros movisteis
ustedes movieron
you (informal - in Spain only) moved
you (formal) moved
ellos, ellas movieron
ustedes movieron
they moved
you all (formal) moved

A qué no entendiste ? = What didn´t you understand?

A qué no entendiste?

Juan devolvió los libros a la biblioteca. = Juan returned the books to the library.

Juan devolvió los libros a la biblioteca.

IR verbs that change stem vowel, change their stem vowels ONLY in 3rd person (singular and plural).

Conjugation of DORMIR (to sleep) with stem change in the present tense (O > UE)

yo dormíI slept
tú dormisteyou slept
él, ella durmió
usted durmió
he, she slept
you (formal) slept
nosotros dormimoswe slept
vosotros dormisteis
ustedes durmieron
you all (informal - in Spain only) slept
you all (formal) slept
ellos, ellas durmieron
ustedes durmieron
they slept
you (all - formal) slept

Conjugation of COMPETIR (to compete) with stem change in the present tense (E > I)

yo compeI competed
tú competisteyou competed
él, ella compitió
usted compitió
he, she competed
you (formal) competed
nosotros competimoswe competed
vosotros competisteis
ustedes compitieron
you all (informal - in Spain only) competed
you all (formal) competed
ellos, ellas compitieron
ustedes compitieron
they competed
you (all - formal) competed

Me vestí rápidamente . = I got dressed quickly.

Me vestí rápidamente.

Susana repitió la pregunta. = Susana repeated the question.

Susana repitió la pregunta.

Verbs with a change in spelling.

Some verbs change the spelling of their YO form to keep the same pronunciation.

Verbs ending -gar change into -gu.

-gar (pagar - to pay)-gu (yo pagué - I paid)
-gar (llegar - to arrive)-gu (yo llegué - I arrived)
-gar (jugar - to play)-gu (yo jugué - I played)
-gar (regar - to water)-gu (yo regué - I watered)

Llegué a la estación temprano, tuve que esperar. = I arrived early at the station, I had to wait.

Llegué a la estación temprano, tuve que esperar.

Verbs ending -car change their spelling into -qu.

-car (sacar - to take out)-gu (yo saqué - I took out)
-car (practicar - to practise)-gu (yo practiqué - I practised)
-car (tocar - to play, to touch)-qu (yo toqué - I played)
-car (buscar - to look for)-gu (yo busqué - I looked for)

Ayer busqué mi anillo toda la tarde. = I looked for my ring all afternoon yesterday.

Ayer busqué mi anillo toda la tarde.

Verbs ending -zar change spelling into -cé.

-zar (avanzar - to progress, to move forward)-ce (yo avan - I progressed)
-zar (cruzar - to cross)-gu (yo cru - I crossed)
-zar (almorzar - to have lunch)-gu (yo almor - I had lunch)
-zar (empezar - to start)-gu (yo empe - I started)

El lunes almorcé con mi socio. = I had lunch with my partner on Monday.

El lunes almorcé con mi socio.

Verbs containing a vowel just before the infinitive ending, change the "i" into "y" in the 3rd person (singular and plural).

oír (to hear)él, ella oyó
usted oyó
ellos, ellas oyeron
ustedes oyeron
caer (to fall)él, ella cayó
usted cayó
ellos, ellas cayeron
ustedes cayeron
leer (to read)él, ella leyó
usted leyó
ellos, ellas leyeron
ustedes leyeron
creer (to believe)él, ella creyó
usted creyó
ellos, ellas creyeron
ustedes creyeron
poseer (to possess)él, ella poseyó
usted poseyó
ellos, ellas poseyeron
ustedes poseyeron

Verbs ending "-uir" change the "i" into "y" in the third person (singular and plural)

construir (to construct)él, ella construyó
usted construyó
ellos,ellas construyeron
ustedes construyeron
concluir (to conclude)él, ella concluyó
usted concluyó
ellos,ellas concluyeron
ustedes concluyeron
contribuir (to contribute)él, ella contribuyó
usted contribuyó
ellos,ellas contribuyeron
ustedes contribuyeron


  • Preterite is one of Spanish past tenses that describes activities completed in the past and activities that are no longer in effect.
  • There is no universal rule for conjugations of the irregular verbs, they have to be memorized.
  • AR and ER verbs with stem change in the present tense do not change the stem vowel in preterite.
  • IR verbs with stem change, change stem vowel only in the 3rd person singular and plural.
  • Certain verbs have to change their spelling in the 1st person singular to maintain the same pronunciation.
  • Verbs having a vowel preceding their infinitive ending, change the preterite ending "i" in the third person to "y".
Gender of Nouns: El aeropuerto, la playa
Plural Nouns: Los restaurantes, las ventanas
Indefinite Article: Un jardín, una playa
Adjectives: Interesante, guapa, barato, ...
Plural Form of Adjectives: Buenos, bonitas, importantes
Verb Ser: Yo soy Pablo...
Verb Estar: Yo estoy en la playa ...
Comparison Ser vs Estar
Verb Hay: Hay olas grandes hoy...
Interrogative Words: ¿Cómo?, ¿Qué?,...
Prepositions: En, de, con
Telling Time
Verbs in Spanish
Verbs -AR
Verbs -ER
Verbs -IR
Irregular Verbs
Irregular AR Verbs
Irregular ER Verbs
Irregular IR Verbs
Verb Ir
Verb Ir And the Future
Idioms With TENER
Verb Tener Que
Indirect Object Pronouns: Me interesa el deporte ...
Verb Gustar: Me gusta la música ...
Verbs Similar To Gustar: Me duele la cabeza...
Direct Object Pronouns
Direct Object
Possessive Adjectives
Reflexive Verbs: Me ducho...
Demonstrative Adjectives: Este hotel es muy bueno ...
Expressions of Quantity
Adjectives Preceding Nouns
Indefinite Adjectives: Algún día voy a ser millonario ...
Comparing amounts and activities: No conozco tantos museos como tú ...
Comparisons of Equality: El pastel de fruta es tan sabroso como el pastel de chocolate ...
Comparisons of Inequality: Esta playa es más tranquila que la otra ...
Superlatives: Mayo es el mes más bonito ...
Adverbs of Time: Manana vamos de vacaciones ...
Adverbs: Este pastel tienes que hornear lentamente ...
Adverbs of Manner: Los niños aprenden fácilmente ...
Adverbs of Place: Me gusta estar aquí ...
Prepositions: Vamos al cine con mis amigos para pasar la tarde ...
Prepositions Followed by Verbs: Estamos por ir de vacaciones ...
Compound Prepositions: El hotel está junto a la playa...
Prepositions DE and DESDE: Sonia se asolea desde la mañana hasta la tarde...
Prepositions PARA and POR: Tim viaja por México para aprender el español ...
Imperative: Por favor, reserva la habitación mañana ...
Negative Imperative: No comas tanto dulce ...
Gerund: ¿Dónde estás? Llevo esperando una hora...
Present Progressive: Estamos cenando con nuestros amigos ...
Conjunctions: Vamos al cine o vemos una película en casa? ...
Preterite: Regular Verbs: La semana pasada empezamos estudiar español ...
Preterite: Irregular Verbs: El verano pasado estuvimos en Cuba ...
Imperfect Tense: Jugabamos al ajedrez mucho con mi hermano ...
Future Simple: Pasaré el verano al lado del mar ...
The Perfect Tense: Sonia ha viajado a muchos países ...
The Conditional: ¿Le gustaría pastel de queso ... ?
Future Simple: Pasaré el verano al lado del mar ...
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